Buy extra thick quality paper carry bags online at the lowest price from the direct manufacturer. You can buy different types of paper carry bags online from us. We offer different types of carrying bags like square bottom bags, d cut carry bags, paper bags with handles and more. With a secure payment option, you place an order online for multipurpose carry bags. We have strong logistic support so we can deliver your order anywhere in India. Just browse our website and choose the right required size of a paper bag.
We are the manufacturer and wholesaler of carrying bags. We can customise any type of paper carry bag as per your need. With 5000 pieces of order quantity, we can make any size of paper bags. Carry bags have developed as one of the most important accessories. If you take a walk down the market, you will find almost everyone carrying bags in their hands. So don't wait now visit our website for more information.
Whether it's a grocery shop or a restaurant all you need is a carry bag for customer convenience. Printed bags are one of the cheapest marketing benefits for you. So, let's customise printed bags from us at an affordable price. As per your demands, we can print your brand logo, brand name, contact information and more details. You can also send us your requirements to admin@pirsq.com, and we will give you the best quote for it.
If are you running out with ice cream parlour? Then we have the perfect ice cream packaging solution for you. You can buy premium quality containers online from us. We have a wide classic range of containers and tubs for ice creams. Now you can pack your ice cream in ice cream containers and keep the container inside the paper carry bag, the best combo for takeaway orders.